‘Capricorn is of cold and dry nature (earthly). Its angel holds the keys of day and night.’
Mystical Astrology According to Ibn ‘Arabi, Titus Burckhardt
Period December 21 – January 19, 2021
All dates and times according to Eastern Time
December 21: The Sun moves into Capricorn, heralding one of the most sacred days of the solar year, the winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere). Happy birthday to my serene Capricorn friends; I wish you increased wisdom, grace, health and prosperity on your birthday and beyond!
The planet Saturn rules Capricorn, gifting those born under this sign with an appreciation for the passage of time and the gaining of wisdom. It is not unusual for Capricorn Suns to have a strong sense of what it takes to achieve something of real value. When Capricorns under-achieve, they suffer greatly. The only way out is through consistent efforts to reach a certain level of mastery. Luckily, those with strong Capricorn placements (Sun or Ascendant) usually have time on their side.
Capricorn is a cardinal, earth sign, suggesting initiating, yet grounded energy. New readers to this blog may wish to read more about the fundamental qualities and vocational profile of Capricorn in an older post here.
December 21, 2021, at 10:59 am EST: In the northern hemisphere, the Sun’s move into tropical Capricorn marks the winter solstice, a time of deep reflection, when the darkness envelops us in a womb-like cocoon. Within the darkness lies a mystery, and coming out of the longest night embodies the Light of a new beginning.
With Venus’ retrograde station on December 19, our pace is meant to slow down now until the end of January, especially if we have our Sun or Rising Sign in Taurus or Libra.
We would all do well to resist impulse holiday buying and instead contemplate on what has real value in our lives right now. When one shops under a Venus retrograde cycle, one is likely to gain little pleasure from the results; many purchases end up as mathoms.
If we feel uncertain about the dynamics of a particular relationship, this month is an opportune time to bring our reservations out into the open. The energetic focus is on compassionate action with practical (and hopefully transformative) outcomes.
January 2, 2021, 1:33 pm EST: The New Moon in Capricorn comes fast on the heels of the final Saturn-Uranus square. What does this mean for us? From a global point of view, themes that have been central since February 2021 are now coming to a head and will reach their final crescendo over the next few months. Saturn rules law, order and rule-makers, while Uranus symbolizes the fight for freedom, rebellion and rule-breakers. As these two forces square each other off during the final week in December, this energy is carried on into the new year to unwind over the next few months. It is interesting to note that Uranus energy tends to win out so that a new paradigm may emerge out of the old guard. Let’s see what unfolds!
On a personal level, the Capricorn New Moon is perfectly timed to coincide with any new year’s resolutions we may have! Let’s set our intentions with clarity and earthy practicality. Benevolent planet Jupiter will also be re-entering Pisces at this time, bestowing a download of higher frequency energy for those who are open to it. Bear in mind that 2022 will take hard work from all of us to make our dreams a reality – we are now in a “new normal” and must put in extra effort to build the world we wish to live in.
“I have to take total control myself. I can’t let anybody else do anything, for I find that I can do things better for me. I don’t want to get other people playing with what they think that I’m trying to do.”
–David Bowie (1947 – 2016), born January 8: Sun in Capricorn, Aquarius rising – made it all the way to the top of his profession with five decades of success in the song-writers hall of fame. This is testimony to the staying power of Saturn
January 14, 2021 (until February 3): Mercury moves retrograde – clean out the home office and visit old friends!
January 17, 2021, 6:48 pm EST: Full Moon at 27° Cancer. The Cancer Full Moon calls us to nurture ourselves, our families and our loved ones with creature comforts. Wherever we find ourselves, we cannot go far wrong if we focus on putting in extra time to care for others who are in need, and to practice loving kindness. Cooking a hearty meal for someone is a wonderful expression of Moon in Cancer energy.
Mental intensity may peak at this time, so prepare yourself in advance by setting aside time to “chill” the day before the Full Moon. Avoid crowds if possible during this period as both Saturn and Pluto contact the Moon, and Mercury and Venus are retrograde, slowing travel down. Uranus is also preparing to move forward on January 18 so its maverick energy is emphasized.
Above all, Capricorn season is the time to reflect on what has passed, and what might be born in the coming new year. It is a time of hope and a time of increasing Light.
Love and light, happy holidays,
Videos for ALL TWELVE SIGNS for your 2022 overview are offered on my YouTube channel.
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