Read for your Sun sign, your Moon sign and your Rising sign for the time period beginning January 20, 2020 until February 19, 2020. Enjoy!
“Commonplaces never become tiresome. It is we who become tired when we cease to be curious and appreciative.”
Norman Rockwell, Aquarius

Aquarius, happy birthday to you!! It’s your month to bask in the solar energies which abound. Planetary patterns suggest a rather peaceful birthday with lots of time spent behind closed doors and in contemplation. Your New Moon on January 24 does get you out and about for a time, bringing an unexpected adjustment to your schedule. Make good use of Mercury in your sign this month – put pen to paper and write!

Sagittarius, there’s a lot of activities with friends this month after an unusually quiet January. While hanging out with pals is something you usually enjoy, quite frankly you’re a little tired of your social scene. You feel like lying in bed whenever possible to catch up on sleep and relaxation. Only you know what a crazy year 2019 was! Trust your gut and REST.

Capricorn, you’re determined to get to the bottom of things this month and won’t be swayed from your mission. Whatever it is, it’s important enough for you to pursue it relentlessly, much to the bafflement of your peers. Something deep within is coming to the surface; your work life and its stresses appear to mirror your inner emotional journey more and more. This is an incredibly powerful time for you. Be courageous and slay the dragon!

Pisces, the holiday season was a little up and down for you, and you find yourself faced with some financial challenges as this solar cycle begins. How will you deal with them? Planetary patterns suggest you need a new accountant or a new way of budgeting – one which involves trimming off the fat. You will be helped once you commit to a new regime so be bold! Guard your self-worth by giving yourself enough alone time to re-energize your batteries in between the demands of work, friends or family.

Aries, this is a wonderful month for getting out and about, doing more than usual about town, and staying active. While sudden bursts of anger may take you by surprise during the early part of this cycle, after mid-February you settle down and tackle long-term projects with true grit. This is your year to make money – go forth, and multiply your bank account!

Taurus, home is where the heart is…and for you, home is so very important as a place of comfort and beauty! There are some shifts in your home this month and the best way to deal with them is to embrace whatever changes come your way. Treat your home to something beautiful this month, even if it’s as small as a bunch of flowers which spark your joy. New beginnings are one hundred percent possible for you now – believe it to your core.

Gemini, creative expression is so important for you this month! Make time to paint, draw, play music, sing or cook… whatever makes you feel passionate and alive. Do this alone or with friends, whichever makes you happier. The secret now is to be open to change – stop thinking you know where you’re heading this year – you just don’t! Sometimes we need to fool around a little in order to find our way back to our path.

Cancer, your daily routine is strongly in the spotlight this month. Routine work is emphasized but you’re willing enough to do it, especially as you’re feeling more energized than you have in a long time. There is something truly satisfying about taking care of daily tasks such as cleaning and shopping when you have someone who appreciates your efforts. If you’re single, continue to engage with the outside world as it’s a great month to meet someone new.

Leo, after a quiet period, relationships are once again at the forefront of your mind. There’s much to process here, especially during the January 24 New Moon period and the February 9 Full Moon period. Sudden shifts and revelations can leave you feeling out of sorts. It may be time to listen to someone else’s opinion and not try to put words into their mouth. This year you’re working on trusting your intuition and where it leads.

Virgo, is it already time to prepare your taxes? It’s a little early, but you find yourself having to deal with these things now – taxes, your partner’s income or possibly inheritance, legal papers or bonds. In a nutshell, you’re dealing with other people’s money/accounts. Planetary patterns suggest that luck is on your side and there’s some money to be made, so work well and remind yourself you’re also being helpful – someone sincerely appreciates your efforts.

Libra, it is said your sign epitomizes the law and you do possess this tendency to weigh up each side of a situation with care. This month you find yourself pondering over big questions about justice and religion, and trying not to take sides. Your health needs your attention if you can make the time in between your philosophical musings – take care of strange or unusual symptoms such as lethargy. Perhaps your diet needs a little tweak to put you back on the path to optimum health.

Scorpio, while you love to be just one step out of the spotlight, you’re called upon now to take the helm at work and speak out. If you don’t work, you’re asked to put yourself out into the public eye in some other capacity. The bottom line is that your career or public standing needs your attention now. You have the most incredible support from both friends and your community so put family matters on the back-burner and do what you need to do!
May the Sun shine upon you, now and always,