Dear Friends,
As the presence of electronic information and communication grows exponentially in our daily lives, I feel the need to write shorter posts. It is not more content that we need, but something else. We need substance and discernment. We need the courage to do less, to switch off our phones, and head to a picnic!!
I’ve aimed to distill the essential Moon messages for the Libra/Scorpio Season:
Full Moon in Aries: October 9, 16h54, New York
Find the freedom to be yourself.
Emotional courage emerges under pressure.
Only through acceptance of your situation will right action emerge.

New Moon in Scorpio, Partial Solar Eclipse: October 25, 06h48, New York
Penetrating perspectives enable you to see that what you attract corresponds to your inner state.
What does it mean to share an experience with someone?
Rekindle daily practices which make you feel alive. The emphasis is on doing and feeling, not on thinking.

Be Happy! Be Brave! Enjoy October!
May the Sun shine upon you,