‘Cancer is of cold and humid nature (aqueous). Its angel holds the keys of the creation of this world.’
Mystical Astrology According to Ibn ‘Arabi, Titus Burckhardt
Period June 20 – July 22, 2021
All dates and times according to Eastern Daylight Time
June 20, 2021, at 11:32 pm EDT: The Sun moves into the sign of Cancer, and a new solar cycle begins. Happy birthday to all my Cancer friends and readers!!
The Sun’s move into Cancer marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. It is time to celebrate the start of summer and all it stands for – fertility, abundance, and life. New readers to this blog may wish to read about the Cancer archetype here.
Humanity’s connection to the solstice reaches back to prehistory; yet much is still unknown about ceremonies connected to Sun worship and the solar principle. The orientation of ancient structures, such as Stonehenge in Britain and the Sphinx in Egypt, align exactly with sunrise (Stonehenge) and sunset (the Sphinx) as viewed on the day of the solstice. For those of you interested in reading more on this fascinating subject, I recommend Graham Hancock’s book Fingerprints of the Gods.
In ancient Greece, the summer solstice ushered in the start of the New Year, and marked the one-month countdown to the Olympic Games. A festival in honor of Cronos, the god of agriculture, was also celebrated at this time, while ancient Romans paid homage to Vesta, goddess of the hearth.
During the Middle Ages, the Vikings would meet to feast and to resolve legal disputes at this auspicious time, while Christians would light bonfires to boost the energy of the Sun and pray for a bountiful harvest. Many Native American Indian, Mesoamerican and African tribes would perform ceremonial dances and rituals in honor of the Sun at the summer solstice.
How will you celebrate the solstice this year?
June 20, 2021: This year Jupiter turns retrograde at 2° Pisces (through October 18) on the day of the solstice emphasizing a momentous pause. With both the Sun and Jupiter seemingly suspended in the sky, humanity seems poised to take a collective breath. Try to keep your schedule light on this day and the few days surrounding it. Make a conscious effort to relax and get back to basics.
June 22, 2021: Mercury moves direct at 16° Gemini and slowly begins to pick up speed. Things placed on the back-burner since mid-May should finally be resolved by July 8. Be extra patient with yourself and loved ones during the period July 20 – 27 as there may be delays or miscommunications. A beach day may be just what the astrologer ordered!
June 24, 2021, 2:39 pm EDT: Full Moon at 3° Capricorn. Charubel calls 3° Capricorn the degree of illumination, while Nicholas Devore’s Encyclopedia names it a medical degree. Diana Roche in The Sabian Symbols suggests that, at its highest, the symbol for this degree of the zodiac “represents a remarkable talent for organizing projects, marshaling resources and getting people focused on accomplishing objectives.” The down side of this is, of course, social insensitivity. It sounds as if this Full Moon will see many of you planning social events and working together in group efforts towards a cooperative undertaking.
Whether you’re planning a party at home or at work, or organizing a trip, make sure that everybody’s role is clearly defined on the day before, and the day of, the Full Moon. Bear in mind that tasks don’t always need to be executed in exactly the way you think! Everyone can fulfill their role in their own way and allow their creativity to be expressed.
With action-planet Mars applying to an opposition with karma-cop Saturn at this Full Moon (and the Saturn-Uranus square still in effect), you may also anticipate a few tensions surrounding choices and the wish for change, especially between the home and work arenas. Planetary energies suggest that endurance and patience will go a long way at this time. You may wish to wait until July 3 before finalizing any big decisions which will usher in changes at work or in the home. The Mars-Saturn-Uranus configuration will be most intense from June 30 – July 3.
Venus and Pluto are also in opposition in the Full Moon chart, suggestive of intense expressions of emotion, relationship crises or standing with grace in one’s own power. The choice is yours.
June 26, 2021: Venus enters Leo
June 27, 2021: Neptune turns retrograde at 23° Pisces
July 9, 2021: New Moon at 18° Cancer, an opportune time for you to set your intentions for the next 28 days. The day following this New Moon is also an auspicious time to begin home renovations or a July “spring” clean. Clean out your cupboards, your filing cabinets, your kitchen shelves, or of any area of your home which needs it. In the New Moon chart, Pluto contacts both the Sun and Moon – and Pluto is always helpful during a purge.
Last month I had to laugh at astrological synchronicity! When Mars in Cancer came into perfect opposition with Pluto on Sunday, June 5, my husband began to power-wash our house. Cancer is a water sign, Mars rules action, and Pluto is so often in the mix during power-intensive situations!
Mars and Venus, both in Leo, also apply to each other by conjunction at this New Moon. This makes it a wonderful time for a party or a romantic weekend. Take time to let your hair down and release some of the tension of the past year!
Finally, remember that the sign of Cancer as related to the Moon is about emotional security and feeling nourished when your emotional needs are met. What can you do in the next 28 days to nourish yourself emotionally?
July 11, 2021: Mercury enters Cancer. A visible day to get your message out to the world or to advertise your business
July 21: Venus enters Virgo. Venus will be in Virgo until August 17, an opportune period in which to dedicate a few days to a body cleanse, and to become aware of eating habits which don’t serve you. Too little or too much are the same end of the stick so pray for discernment in what you put into your body-temple.
Wishing you a meaningful Solstice and I’ll see you at the start of the Leo season…
Love and light,
Videos for ALL TWELVE SIGNS for your 2021 overview are offered on my YouTube channel.
For fresh perspectives, musings and cosmic food for thought follow @goshenastrology on Instagram. For updates that you can listen to while exercising or driving to work, subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Thank you Catherine for your kindness and beautiful pictures and astrology updates. I just hope to stay in the present more and more each day. Much love to you. Asha
The Present is where it’s at 😉
Love and light right back to you, Asha