Read for your Sun sign, your Moon sign and your Rising sign for the time period beginning December 22, 2019 until January 22, 2020. And for a window into the whole of 2020… Enjoy!
“I counted solely on the clarity of expression
Henri Matisse, Capricorn
of my work to gain my ends.”

Capricorn, happy birthday to you!! This solar cycle sees you reflecting back on 2019 and noting the enormous shifts you’ve made. Things you didn’t think were possible in December 2018 have now come into being. As you give thanks for your personal and professional achievements, note that the upcoming year continues apace with increased opportunities for excellence, as well as financial gain. Prioritise family time now and enjoy a short break while its offered. Self-care is favored now too so book that massage or well-visit, and commit to that yoga class! Things really get going for you in February so use January both to rest and get organized. Best planning day for you this solar cycle? December 27, the day after your New Moon!

Sagittarius, no matter which way you look at it, 2019 has been a BIG year for you. Late December/early January sees you taking some time off to recuperate after all the action. It’s a great time to consciously give yourself permission to close your symbolic office door, hang up your “out to lunch” sign and open the champagne…Happy New Year!! The New Moon solar eclipse on December 26 is a powerful reminder for you that regular efforts over time do pay off, in spite of the fact that this mode is contrary to your nature. June, July and August 2020 are your quiet months this year – plan ahead for travel during this period to regenerate and reset your inner compass. Hiking in nature is one of the major “go to” stress relievers for your type.

Aquarius, this month revolves around your resources and so much depends on how you choose to value yourself. You’re hopefully feeling upbeat and as a result choose to spend a little more money than is usual for you. Enjoy small luxuries and the gift of sharing these! Beauty is an important component to surround yourself with now as there are tremendous forces pushing at you to take the next big step. You may wish to bring home a new indoor plant or a small painting as a reminder of your continuing inner growth and creativity. Next year is going to bring significant structural changes for you with your ruling planet, Saturn, traveling through your sign. Be bold in your planning, it’s now or never in terms of your personal ambitions!

Pisces, you’ve felt a meaningful shift over the last few weeks deep within. There’s the sense of a “new order” in your life which will continue throughout 2020. You’re not sure where this serious new feeling comes from and why you suddenly are able to see things with greater clarity. Pulling back from the demands of family and friends over the holidays and into January is beneficial for you now as you’re beginning to see what’s really needed for your own growth. This is also a great time to indulge in some imaginative film-watching or, dare I say it, film-making. Get out your camera and get creative… it’s a wonderful outlet for you now! Not the creative type? Read a life-changing book – they do exist. 2020 offers you enormous scope for investing wisely in your future – do your research and implement your plans with confidence, one step at a time.

Aries, dream big for 2020! Planetary alignments favor timing all your new projects to take place before your ruling planet retrogrades from September to mid-November 2020. (These would be your months for deep inner work and sacred space holding.) January is the time for moving forward with your ideas. There are many potential experiences on offer, as well as new acquaintances to meet. Both appear beneficial and fortunate for you, especially in terms of your career. Your courage and pioneering spirit can take you far in life, but acknowledging your need a wide network of support takes your further. Every obstacle in your path is now clearly shown to be an incentive to greater things… so embrace friction and move forward with clarity. A great time now for throwing out mathoms and household junk.

Taurus, you know you like to plan ahead and have a structure in place. Mid-May to end-June 2020 are the months your ruling planet will be retrograde next year, giving you time for reflection and assimilation. These are opportune weeks for you to enjoy a holiday or a spiritual retreat – make it happen! For January, there’s a radical shift in your area of creative expression. (If you have children, you might find there’s a notable shift in your relationship with them too.) You’re being asked to turn everything you believe in on its head in order to gain a fresh perspective. As you break away from rigid forces that have held you hostage for so long, make time to hang out with friends who value your true worth. Creative cooking and low-key entertaining is a wonderful stress-relief for you now. Open the wine and let inspiration flow through you!

Gemini, this solar month keep at the back of your mind the question: Where am I placing my life force? You’ve put a lot out there recently, and now is the time for you to evaluate: where am I wasting my energies and where are my energies appreciated? Are too many of my eggs in one basket? From December 21 to 29, go with the flow as much as possible. From December 30 to January 16, it’s all systems go – stay centered as you move among powerful forces! After January 14, schedule neglected well-visits and get back into an exercise routine. Chat with trusted friends and ask them where they think you should be putting your energies in 2020; you may be surprised at their answers! Above all, allow some of the high tension and excitement of the last few months to wash away and give yourself over to the boring duties of living. “Low-key” is “just perfect” for you at this time.

Cancer, 2020 for you is all about setting new daily routines and sticking to them. April offers you a breath of fresh air and a preview for 2021, and then you’re back to covering the important ground begun in 2019 concerning the major structural changes and key relationships in your life. January 2020 is in fact a great time to invest in your relationship and do all those things “you always said you were going to do together”. Make those plans, hang out together, and re-energize your friendship. If you’re single, it’s a good solar cycle to put yourself out there with the potential of meeting a new permanent partner. It’s your Full Moon on Friday, January 10. While this lunar eclipse is not visible in North America, it’s still a great excuse to make January 9 and 10 big “chill out” days. Cook some comfort food, rest, and watch a detective movie. There’s also nothing wrong with allowing someone else to cook for you for a change!

Leo, the months of March, April, August, and October 2020 are the best months for you to move forward with new business endeavors in 2020. As for now, whichever way you look at it, things are gradually expanding for you. January may offer an opportunity to go into partnership with someone, or possibly to work on a team event or group project at work. While perhaps necessary in your industry, you’re nevertheless shown to be better going it alone for now. Other people’s investments come with a high price tag, not least of which is you ending up compromising your personal vision. Learning to honor your feline intuition is a sacred undertaking; it serves you well in both work and love. Trust your gut and stay true to your convictions. 2020 is all about getting back to your roots and reminding yourself of what integrity means in your inner world. When you live your truth and stand by your heartfelt values, you can truly shine!

Virgo, you love to plan ahead! Mid-February to mid-March, mid-June to mid-July, and mid to end-October 2020 are your inward-turning months, opportune times for inner growth and reflection. Plan accordingly so that you build down-time or a quiet retreat into these months. As for late December and early January 2020, it looks as if some much-needed alone time is on the cards for you, as well as a couple of off-the-beaten-track adventures! Enjoy these! While home is your safe space, you also need to spread your wings now and then. Feast, love, and dance, and remain open to new experiences – this is key for you now. With a little effort on your part, you can begin to relate to others in a whole new way.

Libra, even though it’s the holidays, work continues for you. C’est la vie! You may get a break in late December but it looks as though January is all systems go. Money continues to be an important theme in your life. It looks like resources are eventually heading your way… when you put the effort and due diligence in. Planetary forces ask you to accept this month as a busy period and don’t wish it otherwise. While there appear to be many obstacles to surmount – behind each one is an opportunity to grow and improve an overall system or strategy with which you’re involved. Mid-May to end-June 2020 are the months your ruling planet will be retrograde next year, giving you time for inward reflection. These are opportune weeks for you to take time off work, relax, and rejuvenate. Plan ahead and schedule some down time…nature calls.

Scorpio, it’s a positive time for you this month; hanging out with friends and groups of your choosing feels good. Throw a party, attend several, and make some great connections! You’re in a “let’s get our work done quickly, then let’s clear out the attic, and then let’s have some fun!” kind of mindset; it’s hard for you to slow down and make time for details. Family may experience you as being almost too vigorous at this time… they wouldn’t mind if you relaxed just a little. That said, your ruling planet will be retrograde this year from September to mid-November 2020 allowing you time for deep reflection and consolidation. So take time to plan new business ventures during the first seven months of 2020. It’s all systems go, Scorpio!!
May the Sun shine upon you, now and always,