Full Moon in Scorpio


Welcome to Astrology Update!

The Moon in Scorpio is waxing full and will be exact today, Wednesday, May 14 (at 3:16 PM here on the East Coast). This is a great time to bring any projects to fruition, using the energies that prevail for serious focus and an in-depth look at your ambitions. Where are you going and what steps are you taking to get there? It’s also a lovely day for planting – get those seeds in the ground or prune those vines if you’ve been procrastinating!

The intense planetary patterns continue apace. We are now receiving abundant opportunities to break old patterns and move toward that which we wish to become. For those of you who have recently begun a new course study or a diet/exercise regime, much help and positive support is available to move your goals forward. In particular, those born in 1971 and 1990/91 will be feeling an important shift in their lives.

Stay grounded this week – excess emotion will simply leave you feeling depleted. And if you have a project to initiate this month, aim for beginning it after May 19; this will ensure its forward momentum.

May the Sun Shine Upon You,

Wexford Moon

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