New Moon in Gemini


Welcome to Astrology Update!

So many of us have been facing our fears in the last few weeks: fear of the unknown, of stepping into an uncertain future; fear of expansion and of increasing financial responsibilities; fear for our health or for the health of those we love; fear of putting ourselves out there and courting success; or fear of being ourselves and getting away with it. So often, we register this uneasy feeling in our bodies: our gut feels tight, our head aches, or our sleep is far from dreamless.

One thing is certain: when we move slowly and surely forward, facing our own particular fear, there occurs a loosening, a letting go, and a surrender to that which is beyond our control. Like falcons soaring on the thermals, we gain perspective on what is moving on the ground, what really needs our attention, and where we should be directing our energies. This feeling can be utterly liberating.

The New Moon on Wednesday, May 28, calls us to be mindful of how we communicate with others – and with ourselves. Do we find ourselves saying the same old things all the time because that’s what people have come to expect from us? Do we hear ourselves thinking the same routine thoughts about how our lives could be, if only this or that were different? Let’s use the current planetary aspects of opportunity and growth that abound to think brave new thoughts about who we are and which areas of our lives have real meaning. Let’s tell someone something quietly outrageous to open up a new level of conversation: “Did you know, dear friend, my secret dream has always been one day to…”

May the Sun Shine Upon You,

PS: For those of you working on legal contracts, leases, and deals, please try to sign on the dotted line before June 6 or after July 2.

Gaining Perspective

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