May 2024: Taurus to Gemini Season

Greetings Dear Astrology Friends,

Registration is open for new student studies beginning in September – places are limited so please get your application in as soon as possible! Email me at for details.

Taurus season is a truly beautiful time of year here on the East Coast of the United States! Witnessing nature’s transition from when the Sun enters Taurus on April 19 until it moves into Gemini on May 20, is breathtaking! Trees transform from gray sentinels into bright-leaved maidens, exhibiting their pastel-blossom raiments.

When the Sun travels through tropical Taurus, we are in the fixed cycle of spring, while Gemini season ushers in the mutable part of the season – the gradual change from spring into vibrant summer. The pictures above and below were taken during one of my recent afternoon walks at the local park – one feels the new life and promise of unfolding warmth in the air!


As May gets under way, love and money planet Venus dances out of Aries and into Taurus, where she reigns supreme. This offers a lightening of the general mood for most of the month. When Venus is well placed, there is greater harmony and ease in all our daily lives. Together with Mercury’s turn-about since April 26, we should all be feeling less constricted by communication delays and relationship tensions! Now is a favorable time to ‘forgive and forget’.

The first two weeks in May are also a good time to deal with any financial decisions we may have been putting off since last November. Check that your money house is in order. While Venus in Taurus likes investments, be cautious of taking on high risk investments at this time, as Jupiter and Uranus increase instability in the markets. Solid investments are favored.

With the beginning of Pluto’s retrograde journey on May 2 (lasting until October 7) we may all experience a collective “reset” early on this month. When Pluto appears to stand still in the sky (staying at the same celestial position from April 10 to May 23), feelings of empowerment or disempowerment may be emphasized. Imagine a powerful energy hovering above all of us for five weeks: how are we going to use it? This is an appropriate time to confront our limitations, and to let go of past traumas and taboos. It is not the time to collapse under pressure! It’s time to stand up straight and accept both our strengths and our weaknesses. Perhaps we can even begin to learn how to tap into the power of Pluto.

New Moon in Taurus, May 7, 2024, 11:21 pm in New York, NY

New Moon in Taurus, May 7, 2024

Besides Pluto, all other planets are DIRECT throughout May which means that we really have no excuse to hum and haw about the state of the world! Mars is at home in Aries, empowering us to act with courage and strength. The New Moon in Taurus on May 7-8 encourages us to protect our local environment, our indigenous plants, insects and animals. This is the time “to put our money where our mouth is” and to set our intentions as to how we wish to live.

Let’s all aim to be healthier this month and to make good food choices which honor our vitality and mother earth! While fresh food takes an effort to prepare, it is an investment in our health, an investment which Taurus season honors! 

My recent trip to India reminded me of the joy of sun-warmed fruit! Don't eat it from the fridge

Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 23, 2024

On May 20 the Sun flits into Gemini and trines Pluto. This is a day for intellectual break-throughs as the Moon is in Libra, creating a golden trine in air signs. The energy is building now towards the magnificent full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23, culminating just in time to usher in the weekend! There are many blessings at this full Moon with Venus and Jupiter holding hands at the last degree of Taurus. Make a wish and offer flowers to the gods – it is the time to be open-handed and to feel free.  As the energy of the Flower Moon begins to wane, we would do well to gather ourselves for an energy adjustment on May 26 when beneficent Jupiter leaves earthy Taurus and moves into air-sign Gemini. Jupiter changes signs but once a year so this is significant. During this week we may take a moment to pause and reflect on what “generosity”, one of the domains which Jupiter rules, mean to us. How can we bring this quality more into our daily lives? With Jupiter entering Gemini, the realm of social life is activated through the air element. Where can we generously give of our time to visit those who may be lonely? It is against the human condition to be alone.  With Jupiter’s sojourn through Gemini (May 26, 2024 – June 10, 2025), travel with companions is also favored. Start dreaming and planning – bon voyage!
Wishing you a fresh and abundant May!

Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 23, 2024, 9:52 am in New York, NY


May the Sun shine upon you,