This newsletter is dedicated to Michele, Asher and Kish
Dear Friends,
December ushers in energies to assist us in finding our joyful truth. Will you partake?
By the time that Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, re-enters into the fire sign of Aries on December 22, we have hopefully awakened to the many illusions that have been fueling our lives during the past year.
There is nothing wrong with dreams and illusions – why, the world is built on them! They give us comfort and hope during our darkest hour. Yet with the solstice approaching, we are asked to leave behind thoughts of our own grandeur and to let a deeper, inner truth be revealed:
Why are we here and what is our chart asking us to give to the world?
Jupiter is the planet which rules truth and justice. Jupiter in our natal chart shows us where and how we find our joy. It indicates the gifts that we bring into this life with us – talents and blessings that we don’t have to strive for or earn.
If you have natal Jupiter in an earth sign – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn – you are naturally skilled in working with the material world, be it with money, design, building, or the management of resources. Your greatest hope for reward is to establish yourself materially in the world; to find a sense of stability and security, and a place to call home. You may currently be experiencing unexpected changes in your material life, courtesy of transiting Uranus. You are being asked to rethink what makes you joyful, to find new ways to bring in resources, and to find out where home truly is.
If you have natal Jupiter in an air sign – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius – you are naturally drawn to ideas, inventions, communications and to working with others. Your greatest hope for reward is to appreciated socially and to find your place within society. During the last couple of years you may have experienced a renewed sense of purpose, thanks to contact from transiting Saturn. You are being asked to realign your hope for reward with your life purpose. Where is your true community? What can you do more of to be appreciated by them? How can you further your education?
If you have natal Jupiter in a fire sign – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius – your deepest hope is to gain some kind of recognition in the eyes of the world. You find pleasure in inspiring others and are a natural leader when it comes to things that you love doing. The first five months of 2023 call upon you to examine how much you’ve grown and changed since 2010-2011 when Jupiter was last traveling through the sign of Aries. What did you begin in 2010/11 that is now being re-energized? Is it calling for expansion? Where do you lead and shine best?
If you have natal Jupiter in a water sign – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces – your emotional connection to what you do is paramount. You experience joy and a sense of well-being when you feel emotionally secure. When your environment is unsupportive and critical, or you lack any feeling towards your work, your joy dissipates. You are currently aiming towards creating increased emotional fulfillment in your life. Many of the events of 2021 and 2022 have shown you that you may have outgrown emotional patterns from the past and are ready for a new cycle of deeper fulfillment. What nourishes you? What activates your sense of justice? Where can you help others to feel more fulfilled?
Mars Retrograde and Full Moon in Gemini

This month’s Full Moon in Gemini on December 7, 2022, ties in beautifully with the Mars retrograde cycle in Gemini that we are currently experiencing (active from October 30, 2022 through January 13, 2023).
The Full Moon acts like an exclamation point during this long retrograde cycle, highlighting the dominant themes of the last two months:
Mars retrograde in Gemini calls us to:
• slow down and review the flow of information entering our lives
• take action to monitor our mental health by consciously moving away from communications and habits we find mentally overwhelming
• get active physically to access and release energy through our bodies
• to take action to support those who don’t have a voice within our community.
The week of the Full Moon is a time to relax, to be joyful, and to decorate our homes with lights or candles which can burn throughout the long night of the northern hemisphere winter solstice (December 21 at 4:48 pm in New York).
This is the time of deepest rebirth. This is the time to find something good in your life, no matter what you have suffered in the past. This is the time to be humbled by simple pleasures.
On the solstice the Sun enters into Capricorn and we begin to build for the new year. I wish you and your families all that is good and all that is blessed as 2023 unfolds.
Tis the season for giving. To date, GoshenAstrology has donated $2,500 to the Franciscan Family Apostolate through sponsoring a family in Andhra Pradesh. I invite you to open your hearts during this season.
May the Sun shine upon you,