The New Moon in Gemini transitions us from May into June
“i have laughed
more than daffodils
and cried more than June.”
― Sanober Khan
The Gemini New Moon desires some light-hearted laughter to balance the cold face of reason… will you oblige?
The New Moon takes place on May 30, 2022, at 9° Gemini.
Powerful initiating energy has recently been released into the world, courtesy of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in the early degrees of Aries. The New Moon in Gemini picks up this energy and carries it around the zodiac, initiating a two-week period where we are asked to “make hay while the Sun shines”. Energy levels should be high, and creative endeavors are favored.
For business ventures, we may need to wait a little longer for things to pick up speed. Mercury is moving direct on June 3, smoothing the way for technology and communications, yet Saturn, a big player in business, is slowing down and moving retrograde on June 4. The next four months look good for consolidation and restructuring. The message is to take your time and “do it right”, rather than to take short cuts.
Laughter is a great way to release sadness or frustration – cultivate it during Gemini season!
For those who wish to learn more about the Gemini archetype, visit here.
A Full Moon in Sagittarius inspires us to broaden our outlook

Mid-June may bring resolution around legal or contractual issues, and is a favorable time for all manner of negotiations. Mercury, planet of communications, arrives back home on June 13, just in time for the magnificent Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 14.
This Full Moon offers us the opportunity to tap into the well of truth that resides deep within us, and to decide for ourselves what we wish to doubt and what we wish to believe. We may need to face some unpalatable facts or uncomfortable information in order to dispel our illusions. This year’s Full Moon in the sign of the archer can help us to see the truth if we are prepared to face it.
For those readers who are new here and wish to learn more about the Sagittarius archetype, visit here.
Sagittarius Full Moon Message:
‘This above all, to thine own self be true.’
-Polonius, Hamlet
A New Moon in Cancer transitions us from June into July…
The Sun moves into Cancer on June 21, heralding in the summer solstice, a time of immense concentration of solar energy on earth. Take time to pause and ponder on the Light that supports all life on our planet.
We end off June with a hopeful New Moon at 7° of the nurturing sign of Cancer. The June 28 New Moon may bring up profound emotions around mothering, feeling loved and nurtured, and past family matters which need airing. The two weeks that follow on from the New Moon are an opportune time to share conversations around family ties, as well as a great time to unwind a little under the sunbeams.
Wishing you all a warm and relaxing June —
May the Sun shine upon you,