No matter what has happened in the past, everything can be fresh and new again (Purity card from Denise Linn, Sacred Destiny Oracle).
New Moon at 12° Pisces, Chart set for New York. March 2, 2022, 12:34 pm EST
The Pisces New Moon understands suffering and sorrow, and seeks to transcend the illusion of this world.
This New Moon is linked to Jupiter, bringer of good fortune and abundance. The next two weeks are an auspicious time to begin a project that you hope will grow and expand over time.
The New Moon is also taking place with two potentially challenging patterns: Mercury-Saturn, signifying heavy thoughts and serious decisions, and Venus-Mars-Pluto, suggesting an intensity in social expression. To best utilize these energies, get down to some serious work over the next two weeks, taking on a task which resonates with your sense of personal responsibility. Powerful energies are available to direct towards the good. You can make a difference by staying calm and helping those who are nearest to you.
Pisces New Moon Message: Release the past and begin again ; forgiveness is a sacred act