‘Virgo is of cold and dry nature (terrestrial). Its angel rules, in communion with the other double signs, the bodies, and in particular, the human body.’
Mystical Astrology According to Ibn ‘Arabi, Titus Burckhardt
Period August 22 – September 23, 2021
All dates and times according to Eastern Daylight Time
August 22, 2021: The Sun moves into Virgo, and a new solar cycle begins. The planet Mercury rules Virgo, where it has its nocturnal expression. Happy birthday dearest Virgo friends and readers! New readers to this blog may wish to read all about the qualities of the sign of Virgo here.
Virgo rules the intestines and through this sign we acknowledge the vital role of our gut to process both food and that illusive “gut feeling”. The gut is the health center of the body and we rely on it to refine our food and redistribute the relevant nutrients to where they are needed. Virgos often undergo a “health crisis” at one point or another in their lives, which takes them on a trajectory towards increased health and healing.
The gut is also in service to our intuition – hard to define but very much in line with keeping healthy boundaries, keeping out those experiences which may harm us, and allowing in those experiences which will nurture us. Virgos are usually excellent at dispensing advice in an impartial way to friends and family because they can easily discern what is best for another; however, they often need to learn how to be less critical of themselves.
August 22, 2021, 5:34 pm: The Sun enters Virgo about nine hours after a powerful Full Moon in Aquarius. Take the 22nd as a day of adjustment. You’ve most likely been rushing around with the build-up to the Full Moon (August 22, 8:01 AM Eastern time) so take a break and relax.
August 31, 2021: Mercury moves into the sign of Libra. Take note of what you’re doing today as Mercury is going to be in Libra for an extra long sojourn – until November 6! If you know your chart, find the house which covers the sign of Libra – this is where you will need to rethink the way you currently do things and revise your approach to this area of your life.
September 6, 2021, 8:51 pm: With Uranus contacting the Sun and Moon, there are new opportunities for personal breakthroughs this week – if you can stop listening to other’s criticisms and instead decide to take a calm stance on what you know to be true. Avoid excess drink, drugs, video games or movies (Sun-Moon-Neptune)- anything that takes you away from yourself – and channel potent emotions (Pluto-Venus) into self-improvement and health (Virgo). A beautiful week to begin a diet or exercise regime.
September 10: Venus moves into the sign of Scorpio – emotions run deep now, and an extra effort is needed to if one wishes for harmonious interactions at home and work. Venus will travel through Scorpio until October 7. The time between September 17 -24 looks to be the most intense as Venus dances with maverick rule-breaker Uranus. The challenge will be to find a way to navigate your days with openness to adventure – without falling too far off the beaten track.
September 14: Mars enters Libra – a day for an energy adjustment, especially is you are an Aries, Cancer or Capricorn Sun. Shelve the impetus to assert yourself and practice the lost art of listening to another.
September 20, 2021, 7:54 pm EDT: Full Moon at 28° Pisces. At the Pisces Full Moon we are often confronted with the suffering of others or our own sensitivity – which causes us to suffer. With a Pluto-Mercury aspect in this Full Moon chart, the suffering may enter through the mind – what are we taking in mentally which is causing us to suffer? Simultaneously, there is a call for mental empowerment at this time.
By refining what we take in through the mind – books, media, conversations, music, ideas – can we increase our sensitivity in a positive way and direct our thoughts towards healthy outcomes? I encourage you to find beauty wherever you look.
September 22: Sun enters Libra and we celebrate the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere. Enjoy the refinement of the Virgo season!
Love and light,
Videos for ALL TWELVE SIGNS for your 2021 overview are offered on my YouTube channel.
For fresh perspectives, musings and cosmic food for thought follow @goshenastrology on Instagram. For updates that you can listen to while exercising or driving to work, subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Hi Catherine. TY for this monthly preview.
I love the gorgeous pictures you show when you are out walking. Hope you’re doing wonderfully. Love, Asha
Thank you, Asha, love and light