DECEMBER 23, 2019 – JANUARY 22, 2020
Thursday, December 26, 2019, 0:12 am EST: New Moon at 4 degrees of Capricorn, a partial solar eclipse (not visible from North America)
We finish off the year as we began it, with a Capricorn eclipse. Capricorn as an archetype is very much about success gained through effort and hard work, and this is the time to reflect on this theme in your own life. Where have you succeeded through your consistent efforts over the past 12 months? Capricorn is also concerned with authority and limitations, and 2020 will offer many opportunities to work through your relationship to these forces. Do you have some control over your emotional reactions? Are you the central authority in your life? Do you self-regulate or do you expect others to manage your budget/your schedule/your moods?
The New Moon period (December 26-28) is a potent time to set intentions. With no less than five planets in Capricorn, it’s time to strategize like never before! Be aware of what you are putting out into the world at this time.
Capricorn Sun people are often so successful in their professional life because of their ability to set goals and stay with them.

Friday, December 27, 2019: Sun-Jupiter conjunction at 6 Capricorn: our collective mood lightens as we realize all the incredible blessings we have in our lives. Wherever you focus your attention now, this area will flourish. Allow time for relaxation and joy!
January 1-2, 2020: Happy New Year!!! Mercury teams up with Jupiter on the 2nd, a think-big aspect. The sign of Capricorn encourages ambitious New Year’s resolutions
Sunday, January 5, 2020: Venus hooks up with Uranus in a relationship which facilitates creative expression. Paint, draw, dance, and express your passion!
Friday, January 10, 2:21 pm EST: Full Moon at 20 degrees of Cancer. While this is a lunar eclipse, there is no need to run for cover. If you have a planet or point between 15 and 25 degrees or Cancer, things will come to light after the eclipse in the area of life indicated by the house these planets fall into in your birth chart. For the rest of us, an eclipse is always a great excuse to relax, turn inward, and avoid crowds. Today is also a Sun-Mercury conjunction: may your thoughts be illuminated with the divine essence of our Sun
January 10-12, 2020: Uranus moves direct, a period of adjustment for us all. Strong spiritual influences are available at this time so allow room in your life for some quiet, centered space
Sunday, January 12, 2020: Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22 degrees of Capricorn. This is a long-term, far-ranging aspect that we’ve been feeling for a while now, and will continue to experience well into 2020. Control and authority (Saturn) meets power and perspective (Pluto). When these two planets get together we cannot help but think of big government and hegemony. At the same time, 2020 shows great potential for the development of the positive side of group consciousness facilitated by social media, as symbolized by the great Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius in December.
Wherever we turn, we seem to be confronted with the theme of ACCOUNTABILITY. Are we accountable to ourselves and to those who depend on us? Do we blame the government/our parents/spouse/lover/education system/climate/friends/children for our life/mood/financial situation/health/everything? This year appears to be about seeing through artificial authority figures, divesting them of their power, and taking charge of our own lives. This can only happen on the individual level: one person at a time.
It is said that if one person profoundly realizes that they are responsible for their actions, and alters their behavior accordingly, an enormous cosmic shift can take place. With Mercury, the planet of the mind, joining in the Saturn-Pluto dance, the cosmos is telling us just how powerful our mindset is at this time. Everything depends on how you look at it and how you choose to communicate

Monday, January 13, 2020: Sun conjunct Pluto and Saturn. Empower yourself to go beyond your usual boundaries. Use might for right!
January 18, 2020: Mercury square Uranus at 2 degrees of fixed signs… that brilliant idea… write it down and act on it
For fresh astrological perspectives and cosmic food for thought follow #goshenastrology on Instagram or @goshenastrology on Facebook
All dates and times according to the Eastern Daylight Time calendar
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