Dear Friends,
May marks the start of an important new seven-year cycle for all of us
as Uranus, the Awakener, enters the sign of Taurus the Bull mid-month. Uranus brings lightning change and upheaval, while the sign of Taurus is about preserving the status quo through the accumulation of wealth and precious things. Sound incongruent? It is!
The next seven years will give us a chance to ground the enormous changes that have taken place since 2012, when Uranus entered Aries and the Arab Spring took the world by surprise. How will we as global citizens balance our desire for freedom with our wish to preserve the status quo?

Look at your chart and find the house that has Taurus on the cusp; this is the house where you can expect major change as this cycle gets under way. As always, email me if you need help. Those of us with planets and angles in fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius – will be particularly affected by change during this period. Remember, without change we cannot grow. It is the role of Uranus to stir up that which has become outdated and needs to shift.
On a personal level, the roller-coaster ride of Uranus contacting a point in one’s chart often brings profound spiritual growth. On a larger scale we can expect major change over the next seven years in the banking industry, and ever-increasing actions to preserve and protect our natural surroundings and landmarks.
May the Sun shine upon you,
Taurus Heaven Scent – ideal gift for the Taurus goddess!
May 15: New Moon at 24 degrees of Taurus. Something old and something new… the New Moon chart promises new and brilliant seeding ideas as well as great efforts to complete projects hanging on from the winter
May 1-16: Moon waning. A reminder for all garden lovers that the Moon is waning for the first part of the month so if you can wait until May 16 to do your planting, the results will be worth it! If you feel you can’t wait, plant half now, and the rest on May 18, and see the results for yourself!
May 18-19: Moon in fertile Cancer – plant for strength
May 26-27: Moon in fertile Scorpio – plant for length
May 17: Mars moves into Aquarius where it will remain for most of the year. This unusually long stay for Mars in fixed sign Aquarius will activate the awakening energy of Uranus. Watch out for dare-devil feats of bravery, going down untraveled paths and innovative inventions. Those born April 18-22, July 22-24, October 22-25 and January 19-22 will be most affected by this change cycle.
May 21: Sun moves into Gemini
May 29: Full Moon at 8 degrees of Sagittarius – plan a long weekend for Monday-Tuesday if at all possible, a wonderful get-away time!