Full Moon in Gemini

As the Moon waxes full in Gemini this first weekend of December (exact on Friday night in the Southern hemisphere and Saturday morning in the Northern), try to tune in to your own unconscious ambitions. What are you in the process of becoming? Has there been an obsessive dream that has followed you for years? Something which you might not yet have shared with anyone but hope will come to pass in the future? Allow this dream to bubble up to the surface and begin to take form over the next few weeks. Travel and study are hovering over you, and there is the cement to make this work if you’re willing to put the discipline in.

And for those of you born the 12th to the 15th of February, May, August and November, feel the expansion of that which is at the core of your being, and recognize abundance when you see it! Keep rooted while you reach for the stars.

Thank you for all your support during 2014… and wishing you an inspiring and joyous 2015!

May the Sun shine upon you,

Walk into 2015 with an Open Heart

“Let us lift up our eyes to the heavenly hills and see in the starry portents the promise of guidance and strength.
Let us answer the call of the heavens with joyous gestures. Let our reactions be inspired to bring from the depths within the nobility of our soul to impress its inherent greatness and beauty upon every passing word and deed.
Then our world will be filled with blessings and we shall be a blessing to the world.”
—Llewellyn George (1876-1954)

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