Read for your Sun sign, your Moon sign and your Rising sign for the time period beginning September 23 until October 23, 2019. Enjoy!

As the Sun moves into Libra on the equinox, your permanent relationship or business partnership is highlighted. It’s a good time to note that if there are any problems, they may originate with you (surprise!). Once you understand your part in the process, everything shifts for the good as you make the appropriate changes in behavior. The rest of the month looks positive as you receive help from your friends and move forward with your work-related goals. Courage all the way!

Other people’s money and resources look like they’re supporting you this month – in a positive way. There may also be some surprise news around the money that your partner brings in. Spend some time treating yourself to new clothes or a day at the spa – it’s the perfect time to give yourself a mini makeover. There are still some obstacles to overcome with getting your ideas out there – don’t give up, and trust yourself before you trust someone else to represent you.

There’s a lot of optimistic energy for you now as you push your boundaries and connect with international ideas, foreign business and philosophical teachings. Be open to travel, to new ideas, and to a global mindset. It’s important to keep the forward momentum now, no matter what you’re doing. By the end of October, the inner workings will be revealed but for now stay close to those who support you while you extend beyond your usual reach. Avoid getting drawn into other’s disputes.

Your ambition is being awakened once again and you’re ready for a new phase. Things are looking interesting for you at work this solar cycle. You appear to connect with the right people at the right time. With this new ambition comes doubt, naturally. My only advice is not to push the doubt away. Welcome it in, understand where it’s coming from, and it will naturally settle. You’re no stranger to plumbing the depth of your emotions. On the whole, this is a powerful time in so many ways.

Connecting with friends is important right now. If a friend comes to town, welcome them in to your home and draw on their comfortable presence. Or if s/he invites you on a trip, say yes. You’ve just come through a bit of a volatile patch and you deserve some easy-going camaraderie. Money earned from work is also on your mind and you’re figuring out the next step in your business – friends or newly met peeps can be helpful here too. With Chiron opposite your ruler this can also be an opportune time for letting go of old emotional baggage for once and for all. But guard yourself from taking on fresh wounds – keep it light and loving!

You’ve certainly been dealing with a lot of inner processing recently and have found yourself more solitary than usual. Now is your time to open your door and step out back into the full swing of life. The inner work goes on but you’re encouraged to use the time from September 23 until late October to accomplish as much of your to-do list as possible. Diplomacy in relationship is your best ally now; ditch the criticism (of yourself and others) and the most insurmountable obstacles will be child’s play. Try not to worry about things that are not your responsibility.

I’m delighted to wish you a very happy birthday!! At last, the light of the Sun is shining on you, bringing you greater clarity and joy. Both money and communication are important themes this month. Make an effort to be clear on how these areas – your resources and your conversational approach – align with your inner vision and with what you wish to present to the world. You’re being asked to make an effort to put yourself forward and lead. Yes!

What do you value? This is a good time to sit down and write a list of all your resources, both worldly and inner. Self-esteem is an important melody playing for you this month. You want to be able to see clearly where your energy goes when your self-worth fluctuates, and also to ask yourself why you sometimes hide your real strength from the world. You’re spending time/money/resources on a project which you’ll announce during the next solar cycle (October 23 – November 23). If practical, keep it under wraps until then!

It seems as if there’s an onslaught of daily emails, phone calls, short trips, tasks, and so on for you to deal with at the moment. While everything seems to be expanding for you right now, and at times it feels like there’s too much going on, this is all good. You’re opening new doors, learning new things, and realizing so much about yourself. Set your long-term plans in motion now while you ruling planet, Jupiter, is strong. You’re laying a path for the next 12-year cycle, so go for it!

Energy is focused at home for you this month. It also looks like you have a new project or two on the go. With beginnings, come endings – are you able to let go of the frustrations of the past few months and truly move forward? If you have home repairs to do, now is still a great time. As usual, you’re balancing work and family, so make sure you find time for some light relief in your busy routine.

A new relationship, artistic pursuit and/or children are taking a lot of your time this solar cycle. And it’s all happening at home. It’s also time to decide on the next structural step regarding your living space. You may be thinking about redesigning your house or putting up boundaries along the edge of your property. If so, this is a great time to forge ahead with clarity and courage! Make time to play while you work and much can be accomplished!

It’s your month to focus on health and fitness as you prepare for the seasonal change. Pay attention to how you feel after eating certain foods, and if they don’t increase your energy, eat less of them. The secret to good health for you this solar cycle is to worry less, sleep more, and take some time to bring your daily routine into better balance. Clutter in your home is your no. 1 enemy – get rid of it!! You’ve come so far this year, keep pushing into the light.