Welcome to Astrology Update!
The Sun moved into Taurus early this morning here on the East Coast of the United States, ushering in a steadier, earthier energy than we’ve been experiencing for a while. Between the watery solar eclipse of March 20 and the airy lunar eclipse of April 4, we all welcome this grounding – no matter which hemisphere we’re in. This steadfast energy is assisted by mental Mercury and action-orientated Mars now also journeying through the fixed sign of Taurus for the rest of the month. Work in your garden, planting for spring or clearing for autumn; solidify and reassess your business plans and set aside time to reflect on the profound changes you’ve been through in the last six months.
Where do you wish to grow from here?
Thank you for reading this Update. If you’d like to schedule an appointment by phone, Skype or in person, please call or email me. New perspectives beckon!