Sun, Moon and Rising Signs for November 2018

Flower like a Star. Courtesy of

Dear Friends,

How are you faring?

As the days shorten here on the East Coast and the leaves begin to fall, it’s the natural time for inner reflection. We’re helped in this process by Venus and Mercury being in their retrograde cycle at different times this month. Set some hours aside now for doing nothing except taking stock of what you have in your life and on where you’re going from here.

The feedback from the Sun, Moon and Rising signs has all been so positive they’re here again this month! Do read all three – email me if you don’t know your moon or rising sign. I’ve also included the monthly Astro-Planner in the post below so there’s lots of helpful information to check back on as the month unfolds.

May the Sun Shine upon you,

Sun, Moon and Rising Signs for November 2018

Aries, early November finds you slogging away with lots of chores at home and tons of work. As usual, you don’t shirk your duty but jump right in and roll up your sleeves. That’s great because hard work now means more relaxation later in the month and during December. It’s also a great month to give up junk food or undertake a dietary cleanse. Good luck and go for gold!

Taurus, change is upon you and feels unavoidable. Will you move forward into a new life or remain stuck in memories from the past (especially from eight years ago)? Your partnership seems less than desirable right now but things will lighten up around the New Moon on the 7th. Yet during December you’ll be going back going over the same old territory. The best way to deal with your circumstances right now is to work on yourself.

Gemini, there’s an adjustment of pace for you this November as you take your foot off the gas for a review. Are you on track with your ambitions? Your partner’s money comes in handy early on in the month. Take note of the full Moon in your sign on November 23rd where there could be a revelation or a visit from someone in your past.

Cancer, you’re still dealing with the daily grind this month but there’s a silver lining – the chance of travel for work or interesting new on-the-job training. Colleagues from overseas could enter the work place and bring some excitement. For those of you born June 24 to 30, persevere – and you’ll soon reap your reward.

Leo, November heralds some changes as to how the world sees you. There’s either a shift at work, or, if you’re your own boss, you’re stepping forward into a new role. You may also change your legal status at this time or update your image. Change happens quickly this month so stay alert and be willing to put in extra time. And try to wait until after the 17th to visit the hairdresser!

Virgo, this month sees you cementing new friendships and connecting more closely than usual with groups that are important to you. By the second half of the month you’ll also be connecting with old friends through the Internet. Make some space after the 16th to clear out any accumulated junk. Your best attitude is to think outside the box while practicing a “let’s wait and see” approach.

Libra, the first part of the month finds you dealing with the consequences of your actions. Feeling a bit confined is the result of your own doing so only you know how best to deal with it. The positive side of it is that you have plenty of staying power to see any project through to completion. By mid-month things start to look up as travel plans get under way or you explore a new area of study. This is a great month to reflect on your values and on how others see you.

Scorpio, it’s your month – you’re feeling confident and energized. There’s a personal reassessment going on right now about the role you play at home. You’re more aware than ever of your habitual way of relating to your partner. How can you be yourself, fully and fearlessly, but with less armor? The second half of the month focuses on work. It’s a good time to be more visible than usual here. Happy birthday to you!

Sagittarius, it’s time to get your finances in order and perhaps consolidate outstanding debt. While the first week in November may feel intense, there’s positive financial news arriving after the 9th which will help you get spending under control. Now is also a good time to begin setting money aside for travel plans. That’s something wonderful to look forward to!

Capricorn, this month you receive the news you’ve been waiting for. That’s one less thing on your mind! For so long you’ve been trying to balance work and home, and your spiritual life has felt a little on hold. Finally this November sees you able to make time in your daily schedule for yourself and for whatever you do to bring your spiritual life down to earth. You may even be inspired to have the neighbors over for an easy-going dinner.

Aquarius, there’s some kind of disruptive energy at home this month or else a significant ending. The good news is that you handle it well and you have support. If something has to end, embrace the change as there’s a real gift for you. There’s also nothing wrong with taking the initiative and beginning a new home project yourself! Family property may come under scrutiny so be prepared.

Pisces, this month sees you relaxing with your lover and/or children. Something, however, is not as it seems. Be clear as to what sacrifices you’re willing to make when it comes to these relationships. Other than that, things are looking positive for you after November 9 so dust off your dancing shoes – a party looks on the cards!

Flower as Star. Courtesy of WallUp.Net


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