Astro-planner for February 2019

Old vs new: rice paddy next to highway: Uranus in Taurus with Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius. Courtesy of

Dear Friends,

The Sun has moved into Aquarius, a fixed air sign, and we find ourselves in the “fixed” part of the season. This is the heart of winter here on the East Coast of the United States, or sunny mid-summer in the southern hemisphere. Wherever you are now, the weather at this time of year reflects the most solid and consistent (“fixed”) part of the season.

At the same time, the lunar eclipse in Leo which happened within a day of the Sun’s ingress into Aquarius (January 21-22) heralded highly unusual weather patterns. Here we experienced a day of extreme cold, even for midwinter: it was 3 degrees Fahrenheit/-16 degrees Celsius!

Such extreme temperatures, often signaled by eclipses in fixed signs, remind us of the power of nature. Unusual weather patterns also highlight our increasing reliance on weather websites and apps – often valued over our own first-hand experience. It seems as if there’s an app for everything now except one which can download our own experience.

Of all the sign archetypes, Aquarius is the closest to embracing technology and innovation in the quest for better lives for all. We’ll see this peak when Jupiter and Saturn join up in this fixed air sign in 2020/1. While it’s exciting to be living in these times, it also feels as if change could be happening too fast for us as a species. There seems to be an ever-increasing gap between our own physical experience of the world and what we are told is the world on our screens.

Perhaps there’s a way to embrace the new while remaining connected to the older ways?

I’d love to hear your grandparent’s stories about weather prediction. Please email me – no anecdote too small!

Enjoy the February Astro-Planner, as well as the Sun, Moon and Rising Signs post below.

May the Sun shine upon you,


February 4: New Moon at 15 degrees of Aquarius. During the 24-hour period before new moon (at 4:03 pm on 2/4 here in New York) things can feel a little lackluster and listless. Please test this for yourself; it’s usually not a good time to initiate projects or make important commitments. Once the New Moon kicks in, set your intentions for the month, and move forward with grace. I like to wait until at least a day after new moon before beginning something important

February 13: Mars and Uranus draw closer to one another from February 4 until the 13, when they finally meet up at 29 degrees of Aries. This is an intense aspect, the highest expression of which is swift and courageous action, winning the good fight, and the throwing off of fear to embrace lightning change. The lowest expression is strife, accident and upset. Choose your path wisely

February 13-18: These could be tense days politically so cut down on your news intake. With Mars changing signs, watch your energy expenditure and regulation. Are you doing too much physically? Too little? Imbalance is bound to show up at this time. Act on your insights from February 20 onward

February 19: Full Moon at 0 degrees of Virgo as the Sun moves into Pisces. This is a good time for self-care. Try a day-long dietary cleanse or a mental health day of filing and organizing your home office. If you don’t have the energy for either of these, an evening of reading may offer profound insights

Read your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs for February here

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