Dear Friends
As the energies begin to build here for the summer, the challenge is to institute a change in your daily routine. With the New Moon just past in Cancer and the Full Moon approaching in Capricorn (July 9), we are asked to find the balance between nurturing our home selves and our work selves.
No-one said it would be easy! Ancient astrologers understood the special relationship between the Moon (ruler of Cancer) and Saturn (ruler of Capricorn). While the Moon (moist, receptive, emotional) and Saturn (dry, authoritative, indifferent) appear to have nothing in common, nevertheless, they are both the markers of Time in the zodiac. How do you balance time in your life?
This July, you might find yourself making extra time in the morning for quiet reflection – without your cell phone for company. Or you may feel compelled to stand outside in the evenings and look at the starry skies – pondering on your place in the cosmos. Emboldened, you may make a crucial decision to change your attitude toward the irritations that seem to plague your life right now. One small change can start a revolution.
There’s a tremendous amount of energy around this month just waiting for somewhere to go. Try to use it well by taking stock of your current situation and then planning your time wisely.
July 9: Full Moon at 17 degrees of Capricorn. The Moon is conjunct Pluto and in opposition to the applying Sun-Mars conjunction in Cancer. Potentially explosive or ground-breaking physical and emotional feats – you decide. Avoid political debate or family arguments and take a hike!
Mid-July: Uranus, planet of break-through and radical change squares off with war-veteran Mars – avoid conflict, practice random acts of loving kindness, and find constructive ways to let off steam
July 23: Sun moves into Leo and joins Mars there with a potent New Moon – time to shine and lead by active example
July 26: Mercury moves into Virgo – prepare to clean out those closets!
May the Sun shine upon you, always,