Astrology Update for September 2019

Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko

Insightful Horoscopes for the Month

Read your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

For the time period beginning August 23, 2019 until September 23, 2019

Virgo, happy birthday to you!! Your solar month is brimming with positive energies, getting you off to a great start for the year. Your New Moon is on August 30 so write up your 2019-20 bucket list on this day – not only what you wish to achieve but also how you plan to go about it. Once you’ve written your list, cosmic energies rally to your aid. All the personal planets align in your sign during the first part of September to assist you in getting ahead, organizing your life and living your dream. Self-worth is high. My only advice is not to put anything worthy off until October.

Libra, money is coming to you after a long dry spell yet it’s not without strings attached. It feels as if the whole universe is conspiring to get you to be more organized, more efficient, and more committed…something you’ve been known to resist. How you deal with this demand depends largely on your state of mind. You may choose to buckle down and accept the discipline that detailed work requires â€“ it’s really up to you. After September 14, you feel a shift of gears: there’s still pressure to perform but the mental strain lessens. Aim for your highest inner goals now, there’s no time to waste.

Scorpio, you made it through Leo season, and actually managed to let your hair down just a little – well done! The new solar month offers an easy flow of energy for you. This means one of two things: a) you end up doing very little because everything is cruising, or b) you make an effort to reach out to friends and siblings and find that this goes a long way. You begin to make new acquaintances and air old concerns. School and/or studying may also be important now. Your drive for independence is an increasing theme running in the background… how are you managing this?

Sagittarius, you’re more comfortable at home now than you can ever recall… yes, it is possible for you to enjoy your home and family while still retaining your independent spirit. Something positive is happening with one or both of your parents, which in turn affects you, and ushers in an optimistic feeling. Hold on to it! You have until the end of November to cruise a little and then it’s back to work for real for you. Deep down inside, you’re ready for a new challenge.

Capricorn, children and fun times are in the spotlight for you this solar month. Are children returning to the nest? Are you finally able to take a holiday with your kids? Whatever your circumstances, allow yourself some conscious relaxation time now and appreciate the events that have possibly delayed you since May this year. You’re now seeing the bigger picture. Don’t worry if things feel really slow at work this month, they’ll pick up again in the next cycle.

Aquarius, if you’re due for a teeth cleaning, dental work, or a routine bone scan, this is the opportune solar cycle to get it done. It’s also a great solar month to reorganize your daily schedule so that it’s more stream-lined and easier on you. Grocery deliveries courtesy of Amazon Prime/Wholefoods? You have a tremendous amount of practical energy and creative flow activating your life right now. Jot down your dreams upon wakening and carry a journal with you when you leave the house. Every idea has the potential to grow from seed to sapling now.

Pisces, relationships come into the spotlight this solar month. You yearn for a permanent partner or, if you’re married, for your partner to fulfill your deepest emotional needs. The truth is that you idealize your partner/your prospective partner and s/he has their own issues. Right now you may not be seeing what’s going on in your relationship clearly. Some good news concerning your home and/or career is what you really need to be focusing on right now.

Aries, you’re among friends this solar cycle yet you’re simultaneously focusing on your own development and self-actualization. What will it truly mean to be yourself and live out your potential? Inheritance or other people’s money makes its way to you by hook or by crook; it’s a great month to discuss joint finances and pool your resources.

Taurus, it’s a good solar month for long-distance travel and for broadening your mind with spiritual food for thought. Why not treat yourself to a book of the Persian sage Rumi’s poems? From August 23 to September 15 there’s a practical self-sufficiency about your actions that surprises even you – much can be accomplished so don’t hesitate to begin a new project. From September 15 onward you’re ready to switch modes and return to your more usual, placid self. But not for long!

Gemini, your career is in the spotlight this solar month. From August 23 there’s a definite shift at work which appears to be happening behind closed doors. The New Moon on August 30 is a good opportunity for you to network – again, behind the scenes, if this makes sense to you. Things seem to fall into place naturally as September begins. I encourage you to move forward now with any career moves until October 15: initiate, communicate and negotiate. By October’s end the tide is flowing in again for you – so ride the outward wave now!

Cancer, money and accolades from work are on your mind and you’re willing to stick your neck out to gain both. Just beware that you’re not seduced by the material world to the extent that you lose your head. Tune into your own inner wisdom, relying on friends and support groups for advice. Whatever you do during this solar cycle, it’s going to be noticed, so pay attention to your actions.

Leo, the expansion of your heart energy during the last solar cycle (July 23 – August 23) was almost too much to bear and you find yourself at an important junction now. What do you wish to keep in your life moving forward? What do you need to discard for once and for all because it’s perpetuating a destructive pattern? It’s hard to admit to self-undoing but right now there’s really no-one else to blame except you. By September 24, you’ve worked it through – may the Force be with you.

‘Girls talk to each other like men talk to each other. But girls have an eye for detail.’ —Amy Winehouse, Virgo

Amy Winehouse, Virgo

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