Dear Friends,
March seems the very best month to let your mad hatter out to play. There is a contrary blend of planetary energies which favors an upside down perspective and the ability to laugh at your own quirks.
This is not the month for a beauty make-over, for finally decorating the kids’ room, or for introducing those two people who you just know will get along. Neither is it the month for finally jumping out of an airplane to conquer your fears. Rather, take this water-fire blend of soulfully explosive energies and allow yourself to jump through your own looking glass – only you know where it is.
The secret this March is not to be too attached to the results of your labors. Take yourself less seriously. And think twice before you text it; some things are better left unsaid.
There is an indication that everything will work out fine in the end. ‘All’s well that ends well’, as the Bard reminds us.
May the Sun shine upon you,