May 2023: Astrology Monthly Forecast

Dear friends,

The month of May offers an opportunity for each of us to grow, as if from a bulb to a flower.

The month begins with an eclipse in Scorpio, when hidden material such as subconscious longings or hidden motives may be revealed. As May progresses, a New Moon in Taurus invites us to emerge from the darkness of the earth and to bloom in the light of our understanding. Conscious thoughts may become conscious actions at this time.

Make the most of what the planetary energies have to offer us this month!

Week 1, May 1 – May 7:

May 1 offers the opportunity for the alignment between our core essence (solar light) and the new insights which have been taking root in our minds since April 21. This is courtesy of a special placement of Mercury on this day – it will be sitting “in the heart of the Sun”.

Pluto also begins his five month retrograde period on this day. Take a moment to reflect on what has happened in your life since March 24 when Pluto entered Aquarius. The retrograde period will allow some of these things to settle down. This is not a favored time to force an issue – let sleeping dogs lie.

Friday, May 5, brings the Full Moon. This Full Moon, which is at 14 degrees of Scorpio, is also a Lunar Eclipse. If you have a planet or angle in your chart which is close to 14°♏, you will be most affected by this annular eclipse.

For all of us, the eclipse period (May 3 – May 9) is an opportune time to commit to, or renew, our spiritual practice. On a more pragmatic note, we are also offered the opportunity to release buried emotional content or old resentments. Forgiveness is an action, not a thought. Forgiveness involves practical steps, such as a ritual which lays your past to rest. It may also involve meeting someone from your past who has hurt you, in person, and speaking your words of forgiveness to their face.

Here is the Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) chart set for New York:

Week 2, May 8 – May 14:

With Venus showcasing her emotional side as she dances into the sign of Cancer on May 8, we are encouraged to give our favorite people hugs today, or call them up and tell them we love them! This is also a perfect time to promote your art, your business, or to announce your love to the world.

May 9 brings the annual Sun-Uranus conjunction, which stimulates us to search for inner freedom, creativity and consciousness. What do we need to liberate ourselves from? May this be revealed to us under the light of Sun-Uranus. With both planets in the earthy sign of Taurus, we are invited to do something practical with the information we receive!

Week 3, May 15 – May 21:

Mercury leaves her retrograde phase on May 15 so make this a day of adjustment and double-check all arrangements, meeting times and travel departure plans. Mercury will pick up speed slowly and many of the weather or construction delays we’ve been experiencing since late April will lessen as the month draws to an end.

The New Moon on Wednesday, May 19 at 28° Taurus highlights not only new, fertile beginnings, but endings too. With the Sun and the Moon both at the end of the sign of Taurus, and Jupiter newly entered 0° Taurus on May 17, take note of what is coming to a close in your life. With space freed up, what are you going to plant in your life’s garden?

The New Moon releases Mars from the watery depths of Cancer and propels it into fiery Leo where inspiration can easily manifest into action! From May 20, activate!

Week 4, May 22 – End of the Month:

Week 4, May 22 – End of the Month:

The Sun switches signs on May 22 into Gemini and we welcome in the twins! Continue to put your plans in motion while you assimilate the powerful gifts of the eclipse and the fruits of the New Moon. This month’s lunar eclipse is the final eclipse in the sign of Scorpio until 2031 – that’s why letting go and moving on is so very important now.

Wishing you illumination which leads to action during this Merry Month of May!

May the Sun shine upon you,