Dear Friends,
With Jupiter moving forward in Sagittarius, one of the signs it rules, there is a definite upturn in the general atmosphere. With this jovial mood comes much needed relief from the strong saturnine energy we’ve experienced since the year began.
The one caution is not to overspend or be overly optimistic with your financial outlook. If an investment looks too good to be true, it probably is. That said, go ahead – let your hair down and relax into the party season!!
Here’s both the monthly astro-planner and the Sun, Moon and Rising signs for the period November 23 to December 22.
Take a moment to email me about your experiences as they relate to this post.
Enjoy, and happy holidays!
May the Sun Shine upon you,
Nov 23: Sun moves into Sagittarius; Full Moon at 0 degrees of Gemini
Dec 2 – 12: Mercury dips back into Scorpio; this is your most focused period for mental activity this month; use it wisely
Dec 7: New Moon at 15 degrees of Sagittarius setting the tone for the month. With the Moon squaring Mars-Neptune, beware of fairy dust. A positive manifestation of this energy could be to plan a culinary or outdoor adventure
Dec 6: Mercury moves direct at 27 Scorpio and will move into Sagittarius on December 13. As Mercury takes a while to pick up speed, plan for some commuter delays, technical frustrations or setbacks at work from Dec 6-14. In this way, they won’t take you by surprise
Dec 21: The Sun moves into Capricorn. This is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and sets the tone for the political climate for the next 6 months. We need to be very aware of government control and the smudged line between fact and opinion in Washington
Dec 22: Full Moon at 0 degrees of Cancer. Avoid holiday traffic and rushing about. This is a wonderful evening to host a home-cooked meal for friends or family. If you live alone, try to reach out to someone else who may value company at this time
Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs:
Aries, you’re in good shape this month, feeling comfortable at home. Your focus is on a new and pleasurable hobby – are you redecorating? The children also have a lot going on and need you to ferry them around. If you don’t have kids yet, there’s a strong chance of a holiday fling!
Taurus, fortify your immune system with healthy super foods to ward off germs as the season gets under way. And why not add a morning meditation too to strengthen and calm your mind and heart? Your daily grind continues and you’re beginning to accept what you need to do next year to enable meaningful change in your life. Don’t second-guess yourself.
Gemini, it looks like your long-term relationship is under scrutiny this month. It’s a great time to revise your values surrounding what you expect from your partner. Sometimes all it takes is to look at things from a non-conventional perspective. Once your ruling planet Mercury picks up speed around mid-December you can move forward with other family matters – such as calling your parents.
Cancer, if you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ll be receiving money from someone this month – and it really comes in handy! You’re still feeling somewhat subordinate at work but manage to look good in spite of it. It’s your Full Moon on December 22 so use this date as a guide to bring any outstanding debt or projects to completion at this time.
Leo, travel is on the cards for you this month – if any opportunities for expanding your horizons and escaping the concrete jungle are offered to you, seize them! Ditch the guilt and spend some time and money on yourself. Plot your escape for any time after December 9. Armchair travel and divinatory experiences also count!
Virgo, work is uppermost in your mind this month. You’ve been reassessing things and thinking of ways to optimize your job performance and image. You’ll find this reflection has been well worth it as alternative career moves present themselves. Take time around the New Moon on December 7 to relax and slow down. Sometimes kicking back is the best way to move forward.
Libra, parts of December may feel like a déjà vu. When situations appear to be repeating themselves, sit up and take notice. Make positive changes in your behavioral response (remember the movie Groundhog Day?) and you’ll be amazed at how smoothly things start to flow. Friends love spending time with you this month. There is also a strong chance that you’ll receive what you were hoping for, whether a promotion or pay raise.
Scorpio, this month you need to be careful about self-created problems. Stand up for what you believe in but be careful not to alienate anyone in the process. Remember that some treasures are best kept hidden. You know your own worth. Reach out to siblings around the December 7 New Moon.
Sagittarius, many happy returns! You will not only be another year wiser this cycle but receive the bountiful blessings of your ruling planet, Jupiter! There’s been so much intensity over the last 12 months and now it’s time to lighten up. Work on positive responses to situations that usually trigger you. Hit the yoga mat and find your equilibrium. Avoid over-indulgence the week of December 22.
Capricorn, this is a good time for finances. It looks like money is being consolidated and it’s coming into your account. What a good time to set up an investment plan! You have the energy to move forward now so don’t delay. If for some reason, money is tight, the indication is that there’s very little you can do about it now. Enjoy your new furniture!
Aquarius, it looks like you’re planning a short journey to see siblings and relatives during this cycle. Your family sees you as the eccentric aunt who sprinkles fairy dust when it’s most needed. This year is no exception. However, you may also receive something that glitters yourself this time around. Being able to receive is the key for you this month.
Pisces, are you in the process of a make-over? Or is it the house that’s getting some attention this month? Either way, things are looking more positive for you than they have in a long while. The only thing to watch out for is saying exactly what you feel. Now is the time for diplomacy so smile in response to that awkward question. There’s a wonderful long-distance travel opportunity for you at the month’s end.