Transitional September

Welcome to Astrology Update!

We have entered the mutable phase of the season – of summer if you live in the Northern hemisphere and of winter if you reside in the Southern hemisphere. This is a time of transition when we prepare for the next season, which will be heralded in by the equinox on September 23.

Indeed, this month’s Virgo archetype of the earth harvest maiden suggests a time of gathering, as well as a time of discarding. As we sort the wheat from the chaff, we might discover a new feeling of discernment arising concerning whom we wish to associate with as well as how we interact with the world. If the last six weeks have shown you something profound in how you relate to others, or you have seen something new in how others behave – can you mark this insight and blaze a new trail?

Tallman Cairn - Which Way Now?

To assist you on your way there two eclipses which occur on September 13 and September 28 – mark your calendars. The first is a partial solar eclipse at New Moon (at 20 degrees Virgo – especially significant for those of you born September 11-15 or who have a planet at this degree) and the second is a total lunar eclipse at the Full Moon (at 4 degrees Aries – potent for late March birthdays). Eclipses tend to reveal that which has been hidden and needs to come into the Light.

With expansive energies continuing through the sign of Virgo, a gentle reminder that we may all benefit from a positive change in our exercise and health routine.

May the Sun shine upon you,

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