Astrology Update for June 2019

Photograph courtesy of Fernando Brasil

The Sun has moved into airy Gemini ruled by changeable Mercury;
enjoy reading your Sun, Moon and Rising signs for June!

Your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs

For the time period beginning May 21, 2019 until June 21, 2019

Gemini, it’s your solar return… happy birthday to you! The end of May sees you wrapping up a long cycle and spending some days alone, which is exactly what’s called for right now. There’s artistically sensitive and spiritually creative energy flowing in for you this month – time spent accessing your inner god/goddess prepares the space for this. Your special New Moon, the time to set your intentions for your year, is on June 3 at 6:01 am EDT, so plan accordingly.

Cancer, this is the month when you work out the finances between you and your spouse/permanent partner. If you’re single, you’re still going to be dealing with managing your resources. For those of you investing your money, make sure it’s a legitimate venture and that you’re not giving your power away. Your self-worth and/or physical body may feel a little fragile right now; pay attention to this and rest when you can. Just lying horizontal for 10-15 minutes in the middle of each day will help your stars align! Your energy returns after the solstice on June 21.

Leo, you’ve been thinking lately about learning a new skill and now is a great time to set this plan in motion. Your creative juices are flowing and your energy levels are good to go. Don’t be surprised if there’s some local travel to boot; you love your car and have been known to spend days living in it! Relaxation time is essential in between the heavy stuff, so take it while you can.

Virgo, family roots come into focus this month as you find yourself either spending more time with your extended family or exploring your heritage through other means. Allow that which is subterranean – hidden deep within your subconscious – to emerge into the light of day, perhaps through a meaningful conversation with a parent or counselor surrounding your early years. Your home is an extension of who you are and where you come from; open the windows and let the breeze blow through.

Libra, spending time with children is high on the agenda as May comes to an end. If there are no children in sight, you finally find time for your favorite sideline enthusiasm. You’re feeling more private than usual so give yourself permission to say “no” to social gatherings, even if this is contrary to your usual response. Your adjustment day this month is at the first quarter moon on June 10 when your ruling planet switches signs; a good day to keep your calendar clear and be open to the flow.

Scorpio, this is the month to channel your energy into athletic pursuits – do whatever you do to keep fit but amp up the volume a little! Self-care for you so often involves the maintenance of a healthy body; when you are in good physical health, your mental health follows. Try out vibrant new summer recipes in the kitchen, bursting with the flavors of seasonal fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs and toasted nuts. The June 17 full moon is your signal to rest and relax for a couple of days.

Sagittarius, partnership comes alive this month for you. A new business partner comes on board, an old partner returns, or your spouse “comes back” to you after a period of a physical break or an emotional withdrawal. If there’s no chance of reconciliation, the separation is ultimately a positive one, and your focus now shifts easily to your future. You find yourself receptive to new ideas and open to travel plans. Let your arrow fly!

Capricorn, with Saturn travelling through your sign for a long while yet, structural changes and life milestones continue to occur. At times you feel pulverized by the forces at play, while at other times the sense of real growth lifts you up – it’s all about the gaining of wisdom through experience. This month sees you involved with your partner’s money and visiting your friends in their work space. Don’t be surprised if you meet up with acquaintances from your distant past.

Aquarius, the universe likes to get its point across clearly and this month we see a repeated emphasis on engaging with foreigners, extended travel plans, and/or higher education. Continue reading your philosophical books and keep an open mind while you deal with whatever mini crisis is currently pending. It’s a great month to tie up loose ends from April and pay down debt.

Pisces, your work plans are in the spotlight this month and you find yourself having to put your idea out there or present to the public. You’re feeling more expansive than last month but things are not developing as quickly as you’d like. You’ll have to wait until mid-August for genuine forward movement. Planetary patterns favor nonprofit ventures, and some form of volunteer work is worth the effort if you’re currently not working. Just remember to remove your rose-tinted spectacles before you step out!

Aries, this month sees you forming new alliances and spending time with friends. While this is a good thing, avoid over-emotionalism in groups, or bonding with those who wish to vent their emotions publicly. In your own back yard, ditch any resentment you may be nursing – it’s passé. Your best option is to keep it simple in June. Enjoy organizing your resources as you lay your plans for the future.

Taurus, you have stellar permission to retreat this month. Go on, hide under the covers, or take a nature hike; get out the paintbrushes and put the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door. Withdrawal is a necessary part of life. Even when things are going well for you, you feel an inner calling to step out of the picture once in a while. With all the changes going on right now, some quiet contemplation is called for. Enjoy it.

‘When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man’s concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.’
–John F Kennedy, Gemini

Mandala by Catherine Goshen, copyright 2019

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