Fire on the Water: March 2025

Greetings Dear Astrology Friends,

When the Sun travels through the sign of Pisces it is time to dive deeply into the expansive realm of the feelings. Give yourself some breathing space to let it all out, in laughter or in tears.

Water is the element related to emotions and water sign Pisces is characterized by the flowing or changeable modality (different from the initiating energy of water sign Cancer or the fixed energy of water sign Scorpio).

The first couple of weeks in March are the perfect time to release old emotional blockages and put the past to rest. When we release pain, sorrow, anger or resentment which have been stored in the body, the pathways to the heart are freed up and opened. Fresh energy flows in to irrigate our entire system and wholeness (health) is restored. 

Mindful Living for March 2025

On March 20, the Sun moves into fiery Aries and we celebrate the spring equinox and the astrological start of the year. While this is traditionally the time of new beginnings, take your time with executing new plans. Both Mercury and Venus are retrograde, signifying we may wish to wait until mid-April before springing forth. 

The month of March is characterized by a “fire on the water” feeling, which can create a lot of sizzle and steam. This is enhanced by fiery Mars picking up speed in the watery sign of Cancer, and steamy Venus going retrograde in fiery Aries. Not to be outdone, maverick Mercury will retrograde through both fiery Aries and watery Pisces from the middle of March until the second week in April!

Adding fuel to this mix will be a total lunar eclipse on March 14 and a partial solar eclipse on the 29th. Keep calm and watch your emotional barometer! When the steam begins to build up, take a breather. The start of eclipse season is another reason to pause before launching new plans.


2nd: Venus turns retrograde at 10° Aries (until April 13). Take extra care with Venus-ruled matters – including romance, money, investments and decor – during this period.


3rd: Mercury enters Aries. Be extra mindful of your words on this day. If you are not clear and centered, don’t speak. 


11th – 12th: Mercury-Venus conjunction together with Sun-Saturn conjunction in fire and water signs. An ideal time to workshop your creative ideas and strategize how to put them into action during late April/May.


14h: Full Moon at 23° Virgo, which is also a total lunar eclipse, with karma-cop Saturn in the mix. Tensions building since March 1st will now be released Aim for conscious participation in the flow of feeling, out of which order can arise.


15th: Mercury moves retrograde at 9° Aries (until April 7). Check all paperwork and contracts thrice before signing.


20th: Sun moves into Aries – Celebrate the Equinox by bringing greater alignment into your daily routine. Take time to renew your life purpose – what’s it all about for you?


27th: Venus-Neptune join together at the very last degree of Pisces – finish up creative and volunteer projects and say goodbye to anything that has a”victim” label on it. 


28th: Dark Moon – finish up loose ends and stay motivated! It’s too easy to slip into passivity now.


29th: New Moon at 9° Aries, also a solar eclipse. Take it easy during this time Don’t rush about and disturb the flow.


30th-31st: Neptune’s first sojourn into Aries (after being in Pisces since 2012). Pay attention to world events on this day and light a candle for those who have sacrificed their lives to make this world a better place.


Wishing you a mindful month – stay positive and joyful no matter what the astro-weather!

May the Sun shine upon you,