Cozy Sofa October Astrology

Greetings Dear Astrology Friends,

It’s Libra season and time to don our diplomatic hats! The final eclipse of the year sets the tone for the month on October 2. It is up to us to be the ones who ignore queue-jumping. This frees up energy for enormous creativity and joy! Who knew?

Following on from the eclipse, the month offers two more volatile periods. Both at mid-month and month’s end we will receive potential energy for deep emotional transformation and for the powerful execution of our plans. Take your pick, but act wisely and decisively!

The only attitude which may trip us up during October is one of rigidity. The times they are a’changing. Focusing on our own goals, both personal and professional, looks to be the most constructive use of the current planetary offerings. May good fortune smile upon all who gaze up at the heavens!

Golden Nuggets for Mindful Living this October

October 1 – 4: Practice emotional containment while you begin something of value or start a new imaginative endeavor. Engage in the art of listening, more than the art of speaking. Create meals fit for the gods! 

(New Moon in Libra; which is also a Solar Eclipse; Sun-Mercury in Libra; Venus, Mars and Saturn form a water grand trine)


October 6 – 10: Time to confide: share conversations with a trusted ally. Write the chapter, polish the poem, read Dostoevsky. Give yourself an hour off and whisper to the sofa!

(Mercury square Mars; Mercury trine Jupiter; Jupiter stations retrograde)


October 15 – 18: Cultivate a relaxed attitude, as if stress flows off your feathers like water off a swan’s back. Don’t worry about mixed metaphors, strident folk or ridiculous revelations! Channel the potent energy in your pond to complete your check-list – stay focused!

(Mercury enters Scorpio; Venus opposition Uranus; Venus trine Neptune; Full Moon in Aries on the 17th and Mars begins its opposition to Pluto which perfects on November 3rd)

October 23 – 30: New, innovative ideas and insights flow in: follow where they lead!

(Sun leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio on the 23rd; Mercury opposition Uranus, exact on the 30th)

Wishing you an exceptional and energized October,


Happy to announce that all the 2025 forecast videos are out, a genuine labor of love. (Each video has an overview of the year ahead and then proceeds month by month in detail.) Enjoy at your leisure.