Welcome June! We move from a Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 3 to a New Moon in Gemini on June 18 – let’s feel the flow:

Picture the beginning of the month as blossoming with expansive ideas and how to structure them. We are encouraged to blend our vision with practicality as we assimilate all that has been asked of us since May 19.

Then mid-month offers a pause as major forces create a much-needed slow-down around the time of the New Moon. We may seek and share information at this time but may wish to refrain from rushing into new beginnings. Can we allow reflection to be our guide?

The summer solstice on June 21 offers us all a shining day of light, no matter what the weather! Take a moment to pause. Cosmic forces pulsate on this day, showering us with an energetic alignment, if only we are Present to receive it.

Make the most of June!

Congratulations to All of My Students!

You have all worked so hard and now school is out!

To celebrate their graduation, my Level 2 students had fun in their final class crafting Sun sign columns for the month. Working as a team to write the 12 signs, we concluded that there really is something to the art of Sun sign astrology – enjoy!

Fun Sun Signs for June 2023!

Co-contributors: Simon Basner, Michaele Alice Lehman, Laurie Santonocito

Gemini, happy birthday to you! Things are starting to move forward in your life with your ruling planet Mercury picking up speed. From June 11, you’ll feel on top of your game. June 19 is the day to set your intentions for the year and to trust yourself. Let your bright twin run free on the beach this season!

Cancer, with Mars leaving your sign, the month begins with a much-needed break in activities. Make the most of a visit from shining Venus to rest, relax and pamper yourself. June 12 may bring emotions to the surface so cuddle up with your favorite Netflix series and pet.

Leo, it’s all systems go! Energy abounds as Mars enters your sign – this is the time to shine with big plans. The second part of the month offers opportunities for love and beauty. The fiery Full Moon on June 3 is the time to let your hair down!

Virgo, with Jupiter’s recent move into an earth sign, it’s a great time to garden and enjoy nature’s abundance. If you’ve been feeling emotionally restricted of late, tuning into practical tasks, such as planting and potting, offer solace. After June 11, the cobwebs clear and you can begin to check things off your to-do list.

Libra, splash out on some fresh attire and take in the air – you’ll find ideas and conversations flow easily with friends and colleagues this month! Mars is traveling in a harmonious aspect to your Sun, inspiring you to put yourself out there and be heard. The New Moon on June 18 assists you in getting organized at work, so make the most of it!

Scorpio, with action in the house of your career since late May, there’s a strong chance your ambition is being reignited. Take pride in your recent accomplishments and trust you can create a prosperous future. You’re receiving a boost from bountiful Jupiter in the relationship realm: allow yourself to take the plunge!

Sagittarius, smile! You are entering a new season – a time of accomplishing daily tasks with greater ease. Mid-June looks to be an especially abundant time both socially and financially. Enjoy life while being mindful of extravagance. A little bit of service to others is so appreciated now!

Capricorn. go easy on yourself! Use this month to expand your traditional, disciplined ways, opening up to new possibilities and perspectives, especially where family is concerned. Mid-June is an opportune time to revisit past choices and see what may have shifted by now. The only constant is change.

Aquarius, it’s time to gather your art supplies and use your imagination as the Sun dances into your playful, flirty house of creativity and romance. Freshen up your online dating profile or surprise your sweetheart with an adventurous date night. The New Moon shows up on June 18, the ideal day to write a bucket list and revisit your inner child’s dreams.

Pisces, this Gemini season places emphasis on your inner world and home life. It’s the perfect time to search deep within. On June 17, Saturn retrogrades in your sign, encouraging you to re-connect with and re-evaluate your authenticity.  Spend this period manifesting: imagine showing up as your highest self, and you will be sure to come out of it brighter than ever!

Aries, there’s lots of energy around communication and short trips this month, so open up your app and book your next weekend getaway! Alternatively, plan a trip which combines pleasure with work. Whichever way you look at it, you’re most likely going to be spending a little more than usual, so make your peace with this and enjoy every moment. Say yes to dinner invitations!

Taurus, you’ve recently entered your reward cycle, courtesy of Jupiter’s 12-year visit to your Sun, so it’s time to pat yourself on the back for your latest achievement and bask in feeling good. The Full Moon on June 3 highlights your partner’s earnings. Work on increasing harmony in the home by making time to spoil the said partner – as only you know how.


Ten o’clock: the broken moon
Hangs not yet a half hour high,
Yellow as a shield of brass,
In the dewy air of June,
Poised between the vaulted sky
And the ocean’s liquid glass.

—Emma Lazarus, American poet, 1849-1887