Golden Momentum Astrology: February 2025

Greetings Dear Astrology Friends,

When the Sun travels through the second home of Saturn during Aquarius season, it is time to connect with our tribe! This season calls us to align with others who share our fundamental values. Aquarius is an air sign, indicating the importance of structured ideas and principles in the formation of successful group enterprises.

This is the perfect time to reassess the groups and organizations we belong to – do we still align with their core values, or is it time for a change?

Aquarius is also linked to fellowship, so enjoy getting together with friends as the year begins to gather its golden momentum.

Mindful Living for February 2025

January ends and February begins with some potential upheavals as Uranus, planet of the sudden and unexpected, ends its retrograde motion and begins to move forward. Our greatest ally is a calm mindset and a daily practice of realignment to the light within our hearts.

Planets may be changing direction periodically, but we have the potential to stand unmoving, in the center of our chart, and observe the flow of life.

Highlights for February include both Jupiter and Mars also moving direct. We will begin to feel the pace of life accelerate and certain pressures begin to release. Projects which have been on hold or delayed may begin to move forward by the end of the month.

Jupiter will begin its forward motion on February 4, so this is a day of adjustment for us all. Keep your calendar light between February 3 and 5, while allowing shining ideas (Mercury trine Jupiter) to flow in. Rushing about tends to slow one down. The 4th is good day to stop for an elevenses snack of hunny on toast and picture the golden light of Jupiter swirling around our kitchens.

Mars moves forward on February 24 so try not to force forward momentum until after this time. There is a delicate balance at stake now.

Mindful Planning: February Dates

  • 1st – 12th: Moon is waxing – a favorable time for beginning new ventures 
  • 4th: Jupiter moves direct at 11° Gemini – begin planning your next holiday!
  • 5th: Venus moves into Aries, where she will be asking us to look closely at our relationships over the next few months. A good time to be proactive regarding both partnerships and finances.
  • 11th – 12th: Full Moon at 24° Leo. Energy floods into the earth at the Full Moon so be mindful how you use it, especially with Uranus square the Sun and Moon. Take extra time for travel and for formulating your responses to emails or during conversation. Leo energy calls for a celebration so cook something wild and delicious!
  • 15th – March 4th: Mercury in Pisces – tone your communication down a notch – less talking, less writing, less is more.
  • 19th: Sun moves into Pisces
  • 23rd – 24th: Mars moves direct at 17° Cancer; this is a day of energy adjustment for us all. Care for your body with extra sleep and exercise time.
  • 26th – 27th: Dark Moon – finish up loose ends and stay motivated!
  • 27th – 28th: New Moon at 9° Pisces with Mars trine Saturn; the intentions and goals you set now have a good chance of manifesting. Write them down!
Wishing you a radiant month – stay positive and aligned no matter what the astro-weather!

May the Sun shine upon you,