September 2024: From Virgo to Libra

Greetings Dear Astrology Friends,

It’s Virgo season and time to get organized!

When the Sun travels through Virgo, we have the opportunity to become Mercury-orientated, which translates to getting our house in order for the new season. This year Virgo season is particularly satisfying as Mercury, our communication and travel planet, is polishing its wings and getting ready to pick up speed. Organization should come easily and projects which have been languishing for months will finally receive the go-ahead! Back to school, back to work, and back to a routine… all those areas which the Virgo archetype excels at and for which the rest of the zodiac is so grateful, are now favored!

Get ready to fly into organizational mode!

Planetary Highlights for September

2nd: New Moon in Virgo; Venus has slipped into Libra
Set your intentions at this New Moon surrounding getting your life back into order and routine. With Venus now in Libra, feel the good vibes as social relations ease up. Focus this month on finding the balance between giving and receiving.

5th: Mars moves into Cancer
Take note of what happens this week. Mars will be in Cancer for an extra long stay – what area of your chart needs abundant care and nurturing?

9th: Mercury moves into Virgo until the 26th
This is an excellent window to upgrade software and hardware and to formalize any architectural plans or business contracts. On the psychological side, be aware of over-analyzing things – it’s usually a waste of your time. Focus on the details without getting sucked in by them.

17th: Full Moon in Pisces; Partial Lunar Eclipse
Ideal time for dreaming, creating, music, prayer…lift up your soul and offer something of yourself for the good of someone else, or for the good of your art!

22nd: Sun enters Libra and Venus glides into Scorpio
It is the equinox, when day and night are equal. Ponder this – As Above, So Below. With Venus in Scorpio until October 17, be mindful of over-protectiveness or holding on in your relationships.

26th: Mercury enters Libra
Time to mentate deeply; an especially good time to reevaluate your political viewpoints and refrain from any polarized thinking.

Wishing you an ordered and fruitful September,

PS: I’m slowly getting out the 2025 videos one by one.