August 2024: From Leo to Virgo

Greetings Dear Astrology Friends,

It’s Leo season and that means it’s time for us to let our hair down, kick off our shoes, and relax!

When the Sun travels through tropical Leo, it is said to be “at home”. The vitality of the Sun is potent when it is at home, and we are encouraged to stand in the center of our power and to radiate out our light into the world, just like the Sun. All this while we are taking time to renew and refresh ourselves, as is traditional during this season.

This month the forecast is briefer than usual as I spend some “summer time” with my husband and children. Whatever season you are experiencing, may you find “heart” time!

Planetary Highlights for August

4th: New Moon in Leo; Venus slips into Virgo
Set your intentions surrounding creative projects and decide how to be better organized moving forward. Be selective with who you spend your time with.

5th: Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo (until the 28th)
Use this period to catch up on correspondence and reconnect the dots… life has been very busy for a while.

19th: Full Moon in Aquarius
Celebrate friendships and reconnect with your tribe. Use the week to tap into your life purpose as Jupiter squares Saturn – what do you really need to do with your time left?

22nd: Sun enters Virgo
This is the mutable part of the season… make a graceful transition into the next phase as you take care of your health and reconstitute your health routine.

28th: Mercury moves direct in Leo
Make this a day of going with the flow – and check everything twice before you press send. Be extra patient with yourself and with those around you.

29th: Venus enters Libra
Time for love and beauty, time for flowers…

Wishing you a Sun-filled and shining August,