July 2024: From Cancer to Leo

Greetings Dear Astrology Friends,

Registration is closing soon for new student studies beginning in September – places are limited so please get your application in! Email me at info@GoshenAstrology.com for details.

Every year at this time I set myself the task of clearing out our home and donating all unused goods or items to those in need. This process of spring-cleaning energizes our living space, and allows fresh life to enter. Every room feels more comfortable, and becomes a place of joy, able to receive harmonious rays from the Sun and Venus in Cancer.

No matter which hemisphere you find yourself in this July, make time for home comforts. Whether it is extra pillows for your deck chairs in the Sun (northern hemisphere) or more fluffy cushions for your sofa by the fire (southern hemisphere), Cancer season is the time for nurturing the heart of your environment!

New Moon in Cancer, July 5, 2024

We are given the opportunity to begin anew every month at the New Moon.

The July 5 New Moon in the sign of Cancer offers positive energies for beginning a new emotional cycle. The emphasis is on nurturing both ourselves and our loved ones, forgiveness of past actions, and on taking time off from regular routines and “the rat race”. We have a soft, easy flow between Saturn in Pisces and the Sun, Moon and Venus in Cancer, suggesting steady emotional expression.

Stay mindful that action planet Mars will be moving to join up with maverick Uranus in the days following the New Moon. This suggests that whatever we initiate at this New Moon begins to build with intensity over the next week or so. The most intensive energy may manifest between July 12 and 15, when Mars and Uranus join forces, after which we will have a break for a few days, and then begin the build-up to the full Moon. Mars-Uranus combinations allow us to take risks and to go beyond the “norm” (otherwise known as “our comfort zone”)So while it is important to take extra care of your person during this time, it is also good to let the routine fly out the window for a change! 

New Moon in Cancer, July 5, 2024, 6:57 pm in New York, NY

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 21, 2024


If you’re doing a double-take here, you’re not mistaken! Yes, this is the SECOND full Moon in a row in the sign of Capricorn! Yes, there was a full Moon in Capricorn exactly one month earlier on June 21! The June full Moon was at 1° Capricorn and the July full Moon will be at 29° Capricorn. 

It seems as if the skies are bringing home the message, loud and clear, of the need for balancing family and working life. Another way of looking at it may be the need for balancing inner and outer life.

Whenever the full Moon falls in Capricorn, it is ruled by the planet Saturn, and throws a light on our working habits, our routines and on where we feel restricted. Simultaneously, with the Sun in the sign of Cancer, at the full Moon, and 180° opposite the Moon, we may find ourselves identified with creating surroundings of greater comfort and ease, and living a life where we have more time to enjoy the company of family and pets. The tension between the polarity of Cancer and Capricorn mirrors the reality of life. You may wish to ask yourself the following questions:

  • How can I create a comfortable home unless I work for it – and if I’m working most of the time, how do I make time to enjoy my home?
  • What is the secret to balancing career and family for me – is there one? 
  • How am I managing the balance between work and home/family this June and July?

The period July 19 – 25  will bring some of these themes to a head (emphasized by the full Moon being at the 29th or last degree of the sign it is in) and offer potential resolution through a sudden change of perspective (Mercury square Uranus). Stay awake to what the circumstances of your life are trying to tell you!

Full Moon in Capricorn, July 21, 2024, 6:16 am in New York, NY


The day after the full Moon, the Sun leaves the watery realm of Cancer for the fiery domain of Leo – happy birthday dearest Leo friends! You are well supported energetically as the month draws to a close and Mars enters into a harmonious relationship to your Sun (vitality) from July 22 onwards. This helps to support the dramatic transformation that Pluto in Aquarius is asking of you.

Wishing you a July filled with home comforts and new insights!

Master of our House in Leo mode!

May the Sun shine upon you,